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Change The Perspective. 

And Our Story

About Us

Change the perspective is a group of American Patriots who believe in
God and the United States Constitution. We believe that the vast majority of the
American people are good people who want “justice for all” in our land.
Unfortunately, many people have been taken in by the mainstream liberal media
who for 50 years have promoted abortion on demand as “freedom” and
“liberation” for women.
The language of “choice” covers the fact that in every abortion an innocent
child dies. Many today parrot the mainstream media in saying, “I stand for
women’s rights,” and “I cannot force my morality on others.” The fact is in voting
for abortion they are forcing their indifference on innocent children. Some
“choices” are good and legitimate; other “choices” are inherently evil. Almost no
one is for the “choice” to drink excessively and drive. Almost no one supports the
“choice” to deny people of color equal opportunities. Almost no one would
support the “choice” to abuse a child who has already been born. The “choice” of
abortion falls into this category of “illegitimate choices.”
The videos below help to bring alive the reality of what people are
“choosing” when they vote for abortion. We hope and pray that you find these
videos enlightening. Please download these videos and email them to your family
members and friends, especially those who identify as “prochoice.”

Our Videos

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Change The Perspective 

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